Saturday 6 February 2016

The Eiffel Tower by Logan (Squirrel Class)

I have never been to Paris,
Or seen the Eiffel tower,
It is not anything like palace,
Getting there by Eurostar only takes an hour.

I would like to go one day,

When I am nine or ten,
When it is the month of May,
I would love to go then.

It looks great, it is so tall,

You can climb to the top,
It would take me a long time to climb,
As I am only small.

I would love to look out across Paris,

To see what I would see,
That would excite me!


  1. I hope you do get to go to Paris as it is a wonderful place. When we went to the top of Notre Dame though I got absolutely soaked because Eleanor had the umbrella!

  2. Well done Logan, I love a bit of poetry!


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